Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I'm a winner

Apparently, my Steelhead catch from 12.16.12 is the 'gift that keeps on giving'.  Along with the memories the fish provided, it was captured pretty well in photos.  In fact, the new CWF banner features the fish as I liked the photos so well.  Shortly after the catch, I also put a shot of it in a Steelhead Photo Contest on  I learned today that the photo had won, as selected by three random OGF members.  A very cool blue "Team OGF" T-shirt is on the way.  I am very unlucky when it comes to contests or raffles so this was especially surprising.  No complaints at all with how this year is starting.

I want to say a big thank you to Rob Beverly a.k.a "steelheadBob" and OGF.  You can visit Rob's Guide Service by visiting